domingo, 23 de octubre de 2016

Portfolio entry # 17 "Sidewalls"

Resultado de imagen para medianeras
"Medianeras" is an Argentinian film written and directed by Gustavo Taretto. It is about two lonely, phobic and dissapointed people, Martin and Mariana, who are made for each other. However, they are so closed and focused on their inner conflicts, plus the fact that life in a city is so busy, that it will be difficult for them to establish  stable relationships. Not until they are able to abandon their lifestyles and break and look beyond the sidewalls (the physical and the imaginary ones), they will know each other. The scenes that impacted me most were when Mariana is observing the doll inside the box on her key-chain, since it was how she was living, closed in the walls made of concrete and the walls made of phobias. And the other one, when Martin opens Astroboy toy´s package, as I consider it is the moment he realizes that he has to open his own package.

The film invites us to reflect on the issues of loneliness, individualism and technology. Many times we are surrounded by a lot of people but we continue feeling alone, trying to fill the gaps with work or casual relationships to name a few. In addition, we are so centered on our lives and so hurried all the time, that there is no place and no time to stop and look aside to see if the other need us. Still technology, that was made to shorten distances, ended up enlarging them. Nowadays, relationships are more superficial and contact face to face is not so frequent as in past times. We are divided by different sidewalls; it is our job to knock them down and live together as happy and satisfied as possible.

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