miércoles, 13 de abril de 2016

Portfolio entry # 2 How did English evolve?

In the video “How did English evolve?” Kate Gardoqui, offers a brief historical review to explain the evolution of the English language and why “the memory of it persists in the feelings evoked by the words you speak.” The Romans rule Britain as long as the power of their empire lasts. After this, the Celts are invaded by Germanic tribes adopting Old English as the common language. Old Norse words enter into English in the seventh century with the Danish invasion. Last, the Normans invade England in 1066 and it is when the language comes to hierarchize the different social classes. French and Latin are spoken by the aristocracy and clergy respectively, and Old English by the peasantry. To conclude, Gardoqui claims that in modern English, whether you know the history or not, the connotation of the words around their origins has persisted across the years.

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